Saturday, September 29, 2007

Enchanting Miss "A"

"Enchanting" is the first word that comes to mind when I think about describing this adorable little girl. I was delighted when Miss "A" came back to visit me today, and was very impressed by how much she had grown and developed in just two short months! She is now walking and talking and showing so much spunky personality! Well, little Miss "A," I think your parents are going to have a very difficult time choosing from the many great expressions you gave us today. I know I did! You are just way too cute!

Monday, September 24, 2007

What's New?

Well, I am very pleased to have recently teamed up with UC Baby 3D Ultrasound Clinic. My work may be viewed on display at their new location at #205-139 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, Ontario. Please visit their website at for more information.
I do hope you are all enjoying the absolutely gorgeous fall weather we've been having. Do I dare say that I might just take the day off and spend it outside with the kids? Now there's an idea! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Brand New

Earlier today I was fortunate enough to receive yet another sleepy newborn into my studio. It must be these beautiful hot Ottawa fall days that just lull them off to sleep. Or perhaps it's my new baby poser that they seem to love so much. Well, whatever it is, I'm just grateful! They never slept this well in Calgary! Anyway, please meet baby "M." This little 10-day-old sweetheart was just good as gold and barely made a peep the entire session! In addition to his mommy, he brought along his grandparents, which was so nice, because I rarely have an opportunity to photograph Grandmas and Grandpas with their newborn grandchildren. And they can make for some of the most poignant images. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for coming along!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Beautiful Newborn

Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing this sweet baby girl. What a dream! At 13 days old, she was your quintessential sleepy baby, and slept throughout most of the session. I don't think I've ever had such a good little sleeper! Will you be as good for your parents and sleep throughout the night? ;)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Baby On Board!

This lovely young couple, who is expecting their first child early next month, was so much fun to photograph. They were so relaxed and easy going, and had a great sense of humour. I can tell they are going to make terrific parents. I realized afterwards that I had forgotten to ask if they had chosen a name for their baby yet. Well, I guess I'll find out when they return for their newborn session. Which, by the way, I am very much looking forward to!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy Long Weekend!

Well, what do you know? We actually took the long weekend off and spent some R&R time with the family. My husband's parents travelled for a visit from Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and were delighted to spend some quality time with their grandchildren, whom they had not seen in a year. Our children were equally thrilled! Visits from Nanny and Grampy mean staying up a little later past bedtime, more than one trip to Dairy Queen, and a large pizza....with extra cheese! Ummm! And, for me and my husband, a rare "date night" at our favorite local Italian restaurant!
Hope you enjoyed your long weekend too! Can you believe school starts today?! Where did the summer go?!